Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Craft Carnage Lessons Learned #1

I've been working on a few Christmas cards this week and there was definitely some carnage involved.  Every time I make a bodge, I try to learn a simple lesson from it no matter how silly.  So here are my lessons learned over the last few days:

Number 1

Don't get cocky! Just because the first go at a project worked out pretty well, repeating the process again does not guarantee results.  Let down your guard, even for a second, and BOOM! carnage.

Number 2

Glitter looks like a glittery, sparkly friend but is, indeed, the enemy (I am still cleaning the damn stuff up and it is stuck to everyone's face).

Number 3

Modelling paste takes 24 hours to dry - therefore don't be tempted to test it with your finger after 5 hours.  You just end up with a finger imprint in your previously perfect paste.

Number 4

Check the acetate you are using is heat resistant.  Don't wait to find out until you apply heat.  The result is a shriveled bit of plastic.

Number 5 (also links to 4)

Don't add embossing powder to the modelling paste on the non-heat resistant acetate thinking you will be able to work it's magic. You may as well have just used glitter and have wasted perfectly good embossing powder (and have a shriveled bit of plastic).

Number 6

Use the right glue - keep reminding yourself that Tacky Glue is not good on paper and makes it wrinkle.

As you can see, I had a fun filled week full of laughs at the carnage - hope you're enjoying your week too x

Thanks for reading


  1. No 2 is the most factual thing I have ever read. I hate glitter. I have a plastic drawer full of blue "glequins" where the pot came open. Best way of dealing with a glitter spill, in my experience, is a lint roller.

    1. We have hard floors and I must have swept a 1000 times and it's still there. If you see me at work looking festive it's not deliberate lol

  2. Love your lessons and yes glitter does get everywhere even hubby wears it at times, not tried heat resistant plastic yet or modelling paste have enough trouble with the tacky sheets usually I get them on the wrong side of the paper !

    1. How hard are the tacky sheets? I just stand there trying to remember which side they go on, spend ages procrastinating, go for it and find they are wrong. Glad it's not just me x

  3. Oops Number 3 for me, did that only yesterday - more than once lol!!

  4. All your tips are so true Sarah. I've experienced most of them,but I just wish I could remember them before I repeat the same carnage! 🤣🤣

  5. Number one for me as I tend to forget things like which colour inks I have use in projects made a while ago.I should learn to write it down and slip a piece of paper inside the project and not on the back of it! It doesn't work when you have stuck the finished piece on a card as a topper!🤔
