Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I NEED it ... don't I?

I woke up this morning and checked out my emails.  In my inbox was something from Craftstash offering a free Halloween goodie with any purchase, alongside free postage for orders over £15.  My crafty need was fired up, and before I knew it I had a basket of items totaling £27.  I was about to check out but left the computer for a few minutes while PayPal loaded.  And then I had an epiphany.  What was I doing?

I've just gone part time at work so money is a little tighter than usual and it occurred to me that buying for the sake of it was not something I can do now.  I was sad, but I deleted those items and left the website.  That feeling left me soon after, and I am now glad I didn't make the purchase.

This morning's experience made me remember a post on the Facebook Craft Carnage page that I could relate to - something about accidentally leaning on their mobile phone and buying things from Hochanda, the craft shopping channel.

I suspect that this is something we all do a lot.

On the craft channels there are some fantastic demonstrators that make those craft items go from 'mmm, that's interesting' to 'I have to have that in my life' in a few short minutes.  We watch as they ignite our crafty devil who tells us to buy, buy, buy.

My latest purchase (below) was a departure from my usual card making - I suddenly needed to try mixed media and invested in the one day special of two different types of modelling paste, some acrylic paint, black gesso and something (??) called studio acrylics.

As the ODS was so popular it had sold out once and was on extended delivery - and here is the where the problem lies.  I didn't record the show and there was a 2 week wait to get the goods.

And there it is, the age old problem of the time taken from craft order to craft receipt by which time that feeling of need has gone.  How many of us do the buying but then when the items arrive we are not sure how to use them and so don't do anything with the stuff we ordered?  I hold my hand up to being one.

So my question is did I really NEED those things?  At the time I thought I did and the urge to get hold of them was huge.  I just wanted them so much I didn't stop to think about whether I would really use them or if I could afford them.

So I am left with some things that may come in useful down the line - maybe when mediocre mixed media art work comes into fashion!

I think the only way I can resist, is to not watch the shopping channels at all and not be tempted by lovely emails with offers I can't (?) refuse.

So I am going to try giving myself a moment to reflect on what I really need .... and in the meantime, if anyone can give me some hints on how to use the modelling paste stuff ......


  1. It was unreal the amount of times I used to fill my basket with polish when I was blogging.... then shut the browser tab.

    1. It's just too tempting - makes us feel good for a while though. I can't say I have kicked my habit but I am going to try

  2. Great article Sarah. I'm getting better at not being tempted by TV 'histeria'. Most things can be bought cheaper elsewhere if I wait, and if they aren't, or they're unavailable then so be it. I have a filing drawer+ of dies I might have used once, or just in case! Trouble is I can't now bring myself to sell any! ��

    1. I know Mary, me too. But Allan Preece inspired me to dig out some of the oldies to use again. I can't say my crafty urge has gone, but like you I shall seek out the same items later and cheaper x

  3. That crafty devil that sitd on your shoulder and whispers in your ear lol . Know the feeling well. However, now you have some some media stuff get on YouTube and look up people like Gabrielle Pollacco she will inspire you to use what you have. I also post often on FB mixed media projects and believe me there is so much you can do by using what you have and what you can find around your home. Good luck honey just enjoy the journey xxx

    1. Thank you for your comment and feedback - will definitely go on YouTube and see what I can find x

  4. I can totally empathise, I did a month long personal challenge back in March, I called it Miserly March and throughout that time I was only allowed to use what I had in. I also subscribed from a lot of the company Facebook pages and the email newsletters that in some companies cases were arriving everyday tempting me to buy. I think I need to challenge myself again as my spending is starting to get out of hand again! As for mixed media its something I've started playing with off and on this year, I started small with a tag and then a small canvas and now I'm going to try a bigger project. Holler if you want any blog links to my posts and thanks for letting me in your group :) Debs x

  5. Really good blog, applies to so many things in life. Well said xx
